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The below information is a great reference and should be used as a guide when installing a commercial espresso machine and grinder. Commercial Espresso Machine . We suggest a dry, well ventilated work bench, this should be approx 32” - 45” high, with 6” clear space around the machine to allow for cleaning and maintaining the machine.

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As the name suggests, a 2 group coffee machine means you can make more than one great cups of coffee at the same time. Generally these are commercial machines and would be used to make coffee in restaurant and coffee shops but could be used by businesses for customers and staff or by the serious home entertainer.

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Apr 19, 2013· Basically an upscale/expensive Mas x Menos (similar products but for LOTS more $$) but in a NICE, clean, spacious, gringo-ized environment that’s open fairly late!!!Fresh Baked Breads•Pastries (GOOD Croisants), nice Deli, fresh Flowers, Plants. I was there late one night just before they closed and they were handing out free bread (since it was the end of the night). Somet

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The Columbia Coffee Grinder by Crushgrind — Kickstarter

Crushgrind is raising funds for The Columbia Coffee Grinder on Kickstarter! The new patented Columbia coffee grinder. High output, consistency and does everything from french press to …