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2 Productive diversification and RBV. Penrose (1959) states that companies diversify their productive activities whenever they start producing new products, without completely abandoning their previous product lines. These new products are sufficiently different from the ones produced in order to present some significant modification in the programs of production or distribution of the company.

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Pearson Yachts. 1958 - 1990 Founded by cousins, Clinton and Everett Pearson. It was the 28' TRITON sailing auxiliary that put the company 'on the map'. Before this they had been using the newfangled fiberglass construction materials to build dinghies and small power boats. At the request of Tom Potter, who worked for American Boat Building, the ...

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de Pearson de 0,91) mostrada a seguir: y = 7.177x0,07 (R² = 0,91) (2) onde y = kWh e x = porcentagem de rocha. A Equação 2 representa o consumo de energia com aumento da quantidade de rochas frente ao minério oxidado no ROM. Quando existe mais de

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